Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Natural Hair Color with Henna

I have been an avid hair color participant since high school.  I attended Cosmetology college during my Jr and Sr. year and went on to graduate and manage a salon later on.  Guess who we got to practice on.  That's right, each other!  

With all the harmful chemicals in hair coloring agents, of coarse I went out to find a natural, yet effective, alternative.  I found it!  Henna

So, what exactly is henna?  I'm glad you asked!


Henna (Lawsonia Inermis) is a flowering plant.
The leaves of the Henna plant contain a natural and very effective coloring pigment: Lawsone.  This Orange/Red dye releases as the leaves are crushed. Drying, milling, and sifting the Henna leaves into a fine powder maximizes the pigment (Lawsone) release.
The powdered henna will activate with air and water. After mixing to a paste, you can apply directly to your hair or skin for Natural, Super-Effective coloring. Henna temporarily tattoos the body, and permanently colors hair.
The Lawsone dye molecules actually color the hair and skin by safely binding to their protein molecules. They darken as they absorb deeper into the hair and skin (bind to additional proteins). The color maxes out in about 48 hours and can naturally last for weeks. Pretty awesome stuff—no wonder Henna has been trusted for hair & body for thousands of years—evidence of cosmetic use found from ancient Egypt to Persia to the Roman Empire.

This wonder shrub grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of Africa, Southern Asia, and Northern Australasia. Henna thrives just outside their desert regions. And the best quality Henna, known for its color richness and content purity, is grown and harvested in Northwestern India.(source)

When Henna is mixed with an acid medium, henna will stain your nails, skin, or hair into a reddish-brown color. This makes it a safe, non-toxic way to dye your hair. Henna has been used for thousands of years to keep hair healthy and to color white or gray hair. There is only ONE color of Henna, however, there are different ranges of that color depending on the climate and soil of that plant.
There are so many amazing benefits of using Henna…

Are there types I should stay away from?
You may have seen various types of commercially produced “boxed” Henna treatments that specifies for “blond hair”, “black hair” or strawberry-blonde hair”. From what I've read of others who have used Henna over the years, these are very poor quality of Henna. They are produced by adding synthetic dyes, metallic salts, and other plant dyes to a poor quality of Henna. You want to steer very clear of anything that is labeled for a specific hair color. Look for Henna that is 100% Henna. The best quality you can get is Henna that is labeled “body-art Henna.” It has the highest dye content of Henna.
What will Henna Look Like?

Because the red-orange dye molecule is binding to the keratin that surrounds the pigmented hair core, the resulting color is different for every strand of hair, and for every person. The henna stain is translucent, and blends with your own color. Hennaed hair looks like you grew it yourself! The color you get on your hair will vary depending on your hair color you have now and the chemicals you already have on your hair. Many ask if it is safe to apply Henna on color-treated hair and the answer is YES! But it’s only safe to use high quality, body-art quality Henna(like this one).
Henna IS permanent if you use 100% Henna.  You will have a new growth as your hair grows out.  The Hennaed hair will still be going strong with color and highlights, though!  To keep it even more beautiful, it was recommend to use a wild-crafted, raw, vegan shampoo and conditioner like this one.   If you have African hair, Henna will be amazing for it! It won’t dye your hair completely red, but it will give it red highlights, loosen the curl, and make it silky!
How to Apply Henna to Your Hair 
You need to use a acid medium to apply henna. Lemon juice does this very well. When mixed together it releases the dye and binds to the keratin in your hair. This makes Henna permanent.
Step One:  MIX IT! Mix enough henna with lemon juice to make it like the consistency of mashed potatoes (see photo below). If lemon juice is too harsh on your skin, use something less acidic like grapefruit or orange juice. You could use vinegar or wine, but your hair will be a little stinky for awhile. Don’t use boiling water or your Henna will fade and be an ugly orange.
  • Short Hair (use 100g or 1 cup)
  • Collar Length Hair (use 200g or 2 cups)
  • Shoulder Length Hair (use 300g or 3 cups)
  • Waist Length Hair (use 500g or 5 cups)
If you have thick hair, add an extra 1/2 cup to a cup of Henna powder. 

Step Two: REST IT. You need to let your Henna paste rest for several hours. I mix the Henna in the morning and apply to my hair at night. Letting it rest allows the slow dye release and will give you the BEST results. Cover your Henna with a plastic wrap and let it stew.
Step Three: MIX IT AGAIN. It’s been several hours and you are ready to apply. Mix some more lemon juice with the paste mixture until it is the consistency of yogurt.
Step Four: APPLY IT. WEAR GLOVES. Henna is permanent and it will stain everything it comes in contact with. This is the messy step. There are a few suggestions to make it easier. Get in your bathtub and fill it up with water. Apply the Henna while standing in your tub. Or, you can go outside and apply. Bring a mirror.
  • Do not be stingy. Apply generously and thick for a deep, rich color.
  • Comb your hair and divide it into sections.
  • You can put the Henna in a piping back, squeeze bottle, or just use your fingers and apply. I find the latter to be the easiest.
  • Start at the back and work the Henna down to the scalp. Apply it thick! Then bring down the next section and Henna it. Make sure every bit of hair is THICKLY coated…like cake frosting. Don’t be afraid to use plenty of Henna and don’t be afraid to get messy.

(Yeah, it looks kind of gross)

Step Five: RELAX. When all your hair is covered with Henna, wipe your skin clean of any Henna, and wrap everything up in a plastic wrap. This keeps the Henna warm and moist and allows the hair to take in the dye. I then wrap a large DARK towel (remember Henna will stain anything it touches) around my head. This is when I go to bed. Yes, I sleep with the Henna on my head all night. This is not necessary but it was what was suggested to me.  They have found that it covers gray hair the best when you leave it on for at least 6 hours. The normal recommendation is 2-4 hours, but if you know that your hair is resistant to dye or has gray, then you may want to leave it on a little longer. I lay a dark towel over my pillow and sleep. I actually sleep really well with Henna on my head and it is also known that Henna can soothe headaches. So, just relax and enjoy the full benefit that Henna can give you.

Step Six: RINSE IT. Time to rinse out the Henna. I have short hair so this step isn’t too difficult. I take a nice long shower and rinse it out completely. I follow it with a wash and condition. If your hair is much longer, you can fill up the bathtub and lay down in the water. This helps get the Henna out.
A few things…
  • Henna may seem really bright at first. Do not panic…it will darken over the next few days if you used the acidic mix. It will take about 3 days to settle into the true color.
  • Once again, DO NOT be stingy with the mix. More is always better with Henna.
  • You can use this on beards too if you would like!
  • Some people can’t stand the smell of Henna. It’s earthy and sultry. If you can’t stand the smell, you can add 1 TB of powdered ginger, clove, or cinnamon to your Henna mix.  I mixed Cassia oil in mine...just one drop.  It made it warm and relaxing!  Rosemary is great, too!
Where to Buy Henna: 
  1. Order “body-art quality” henna from HERE.
  2. Check a local Indian store to buy it SUPER cheap!!! Just make sure it’s 100% Henna!


Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical, psychological, or psychiatric problem, or a disability that requires medical attention, then you should consult your licensed medical doctor or appropriate health care provider. Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

1 comment:

  1. Our henna hair dyes were created & started with a vision to help people with sensitive skin & scalp, as most of the hair dyes found in major retail stores contain harsh chemicals that can cause lasting damage if used long term. PPDs, ammonia & SLS are few to mention, these substances are no friend to anyone & could send you to ER if you are not aware of your allergies. With that being said, these compounds are not only harmful to people with sensitive skin, when absorbed in, but they are also one of the major reasons that cause skin diseases and breast cancer in women. We feel like we are contributing to a cause by developing, promoting natural products & spreading awareness of harms that are caused by chemicals.


    How To Apply Henna

