Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Order MY Essential Oils

How to Order MY Essential Oils

Are You Ready for a Life Change!
Are you tired of taking medication for something after it starts instead of supporting the body's natural functioning system?
Do you wish there was more you could do for your kids when they are sick?
Are you up all night, despite taking something to help you get some rest?
Are you fed up with the tension and gloomy days?

Do you want to naturally support your family in being healthy?

How My Life Changed Using Essential Oils
You might have just clicked a link and ended up on this page on my website. So let me tell you a little something about myself. 1 year ago I was a COMPLETE MESS. I was a overwhelmed, sad all the time, chronically sick, full of nervous tension, and had chronic aches.  I couldn't eat with out trouble, and couldn't sleep unless I needed to be doing something else and could not be available to my husband and 7 children due to this (did I mention I worked in the health care field AND homeschooled?). In the span of 4 years, I saw cancer take my mom, a few months later a heart attack took my grandmother, and just this last June right after father's day I lost my dad who suffered from depression.  He died of a broken heart.  Plus, we moved from my life long home in Texas to a whole new country in North Dakota!  Because of my childhood and all the stresses of everyday life, I was diagnosed with many mental health issues, autoimmune issues, and ongoing pain and misery.  Can you imagine the train wreck I was? I couldn’t stand myself. I hated life. I forced myself to smile at my kids. I was desperate for something…something to help me get through this.

I had heard about a recipe you could make using a calming blend and grounding blend for nervous tension using essential oils.  I also had read about the joyful blend that was said to be great to help sadness and to uplift the mood. I decided to work on supporting these issues first. I was so desperate to try anything.  So, I started using these blends applying it over my heart and on my pulse points.  I breathed it in and with each application and each inhalation, I made a conscious effort to breath in JOY and PEACE! And you know what? After a few weeks of using these oils everyday…my life started changing! And just a few months later, I can say in all honesty, that I, absolutely, love this life that I am blessed with. I love sharing my passion for natural health with all of you and I love seeing how these oils are changing people’s lives.

The Essential Oil Brand I Stand Behind
I NEVER recommend a product to my readers that I don’t personally use and love. This is why I choose the brand I use. My company sets the standard for the highest, purest essential oil on the market. With so many different essential oil brands on the market, it’s hard to know which brand is the best. Because I wasn't seeing the results with other brands of essential oils, I started to dive into learning more about quality essential oils and their benefits on our health. I researched more about the company I am with now and discovered a few remarkable things about their oils:
    • They test each and every batch of oils….not just once, but 7 different ways! 
    • They follow strict and sustainable growing and harvesting processes.
    • They source their oils in their prime environment.
    • The oils are a step above organic, they are certified pure and therapeutic grade with no fillers, artificial ingredients, synthetic chemical substitutes or contaminants of any kind.
CLICK HERE to go to an article that I wrote where I share all the reasons I love and stand behind this company!

How To Get Started:

I recommend EVERYONE start by purchasing a wholesale starter kit. By doing this, you become a wholesale member (aka Wellness Advocate) and you are able to get WHOLESALE PRICES on all your future orders!!! These starter kits have all the popular oils included PLUS your wholesale membership fee ($35) is WAIVED!!! As a wholesale member you DO NOT have to sell the oils and you DO NOT have a monthly minimum!  There are also retail and preferred member options available....but the wholesale route is by far the most cost effective.

Not all essential oils are created equally. In fact, most of them are worthless to your health and often synthetic. When buying essential oils make sure they are therapeutic grade and certified pure like the ones I use.

***My Company's Regular Monthly Special***

Here are the January Pomos!!!
*New year, new you promo! One of my favorite promos! 
(Anyone who enrolls with 100pv, spends 100pv LRP in February receives 100 free points)
*FREE FRANKINCENSE has been extended! You get it with any 200pv order until the 15th
*10% OFF the Metabolic Blend to help boost your metabolism 
*FREE LIME with any LRP order of at least 125pv by the 15th
Get with me for more info!

Email me now to get in on this:

***My Exclusive Monthly Special***

 If you are not yet a member of my team, NOW IS THE MONTH TO DO IT!

Along with all the great incentives to new and old members alike, I am adding this!

I am going to give anyone who signs as a wholesale member with me THIS MONTH a free gift....a Modern Essentials book! In order to qualify, you must open a wholesale account AND set up your loyalty order  for next month with at least 100 points to get it. The enrollment order can be any amount. We have great starter enrollment kits AND it includes the member fee for a full year! 

BUT, if all you can do is pay your membership of $35, and then set up the loyalty order of 100 points for next month, YOU QUALIFY! Don't let money hold you back from being healthy!

Go now! Email me:


I would LOVE to share  more with you about natural health and everything that goes with it.  Please email me at so I can tell you all you want to know!  

I also have a Facebook for The Renaissance Mama where you can get daily info and support about natural health and essential oils you can join.

Just want to learn all the great tips and tricks about essential oils?  Go request to join my oil education page:
 James 5:14 Wellness with Essential Oils (The Natural Collective)

Follow me on Pinterest!

And Twitter!

Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical, psychological, or psychiatric problem, or a disability that requires medical attention, then you should consult your licensed medical doctor or appropriate health care provider. Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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