Saturday, June 20, 2015

Gardening the Natural Way...with Essential Oils!

The weather is warm and the dirt is's gardening time!

I come from a long line of green thumbs, but unfortunately it didn't get passed down to me.  One thing I have noticed about our new  home, North Dakota is great for gardening and pretty hard to kill things, even for me!  So with that, I set out on a quest to find natural ways to help in the garden...and it had to include essential oils
.  Here is what I found......


The All-Around Insect Spray

TerraShield is called the Repellent Blend for a reason!  More effective and safer than DEET, this blend is great at repelling just about any insect.  You can spray it on you to keep the insects from biting, or spray directly onto your plants to keep the nibblers off them!

For a body spray, try 16 oz of witch hazel to 30 drops of the Repellent Blend and apply liberally. 
For the plants, try 16 oz of water, 1 tbs of a natural soap like castile soap, and 25 drops of the blend.  Make sure you shake well!

Thyme and Lavender are great at protecting your plants, also.


Insect Blends

Some critters in your garden can be helpful, some not so much.  One of the main problems with using a chemical insect killer is it kills everything and poisons your crop.  Here are some natural blends to repel the pests and keep you safe.....

For specific insect problems, try mixing 8 oz of water in a spray bottle with 1/2 teaspoon natural soap, and 12 drops of the doTERRA essential oil from the guide below – remembering to shake the bottle frequently to keep the oil mixed with the water:

ANTS – Peppermint

APHIDS – Peppermint, Sandalwood, White Fir

BEETLES – Peppermint, Thyme


CHIGGERS – Lavender, Lemongrass, Thyme


FLEAS – Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint

FLIES – Basil, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary

GNATS – Patchouli

MOSQUITOES – Lavender, Lemongrass

MOTHS – Lavender, Peppermint

PLANT LICE – Peppermint

ROACHES – Eucalyptus

SLUGS – White Fir

SNAILS – Patchouli, White Fir

SPIDERS – Peppermint

TICKS – Lavender, Lemongrass, Thyme

WEEVILS – Patchouli, Sandalwood


Ways to Apply

When we use essential oils on our bodies, we use them 3 ways- aromatically, topically, and internally. We can use them in similar ways on our plants.
Sprays: Add drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of natural liquid soap such as castile soap to act as a surfactant, which will ensure uniform coverage on leaves and insect bodies. Spray directly onto fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.
String: Soak a string in a mixture of water and essential oils. Hang the string between crops in the garden. This will deter flying insects.
Cloth Strips: Use a drop of essential oil on strips of fabric and hang throughout the garden. Add more drops as needed.
Cotton Ball: Use for animals or pests that like to burrow. Place directly on top of nests, burrows, etc.  This works great in your pantry BTW.....
Cartons & Containers: Bury the carton into the ground up to the top of the container. Add drops of essential oil to deter slugs, snails, mice, ground insects, etc.

Mildew & Fungus Spray
According to St Clare Seeds, conditions that favor mildew formation include wet foliage, high humidity, low light and moderate temperatures. These conditions cause the vegetable garden plants to never dry out, creating the perfect environment for the powdery mildew fungi. Pro active steps to avoid or minimize this risk include:

Buy disease-resistant Heirloom / Open Pollinated varieties.
Provide adequate air circulation by not crowding plants.
Plant your garden plants where they will get sufficient light.
Avoid over-fertilization. Leaves are more susceptible within 2 to 3½ weeks of unfolding.

Of course, this is only one kind of many plagues of mold and mildew in the garden.  Here is a great remedy to try..... 

1 Teaspoon High Proof Alcohol (alternatively, leave this out and add 1/2 tsp. of Baking Soda dissolved in the water.)
6 Drops each Melaleuca, Oregano, Thyme
8 oz. Water
Combine the first two ingredients. Shake to incorporate. Add water to oil mixture and place into a spray bottle. Spray in the evening when the sun cannot burn the leaves.

Remember – A little goes a long way!
Essential oils are powerful, so apply to plants sparingly. Begin by spraying the solution on the plants, making sure to spray underneath the leaves as well as the top. You can also apply the solution with a brush if you want to be more precise in your application to a specific area. Several applications, every few days, may be necessary.

To get your CPTG essential oils, email me at then get planting!  How will you incorporate natural ways to grown your garden?

This page is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This page is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding in supplements or making any changes in your diet.  I would not recommend anything I do not use on myself or my family.

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