Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Soooo, This Is My Blog!-About Me


Hi everybody!  I'm Melissa Day.  Guess what....I decided to write a blog!

The first thing you should know about me is I'm an extroverted introvert.  I know, it sounds crazy.  How can you be both at the same time?  Well, I'll tell you.  I like to sit back and observe things...kind of a loner, but if you start and carry on a conversation with me, I'm in pretty much.  But, I'm not so great at small talk.  I love hanging out with a few friends, but big groups are not that great in my eyes.  But, I'm a SAHM...and a homeschooling one at that.  I don't get just a whole lot of time to socialize with adults.  I'm thinking if you have found your way here, you don't either.  So, it's my hope this will be a way to connect for me, and for you!  I want to share things that will enhance our lives, allow us to have fun, and maybe even vent a little when we need to!

So, what am I into?  Well, here's what the majority of my day consists of....

Kids.....I have 7 of them.  At one time, we had 10 at a time in our home.  We used to foster.  That was a crazy, growing, amazing time and I'm sure there will be some posts about that in ones to come.  But now, we have 7.  The youngest two we adopted.

Husband....I have one!  He's pretty awesome.  He works in the oil industry.  That being said, we are an oil field family, and I grew up an oil field kid.  No matter what your idea of this is, or your opinion, it's always been a big part of my life and still is.  So, I'll probably talk about that as well.

Homeschooling.....We have homeschooled since 2002.  Right now, the older two kids that are still at home are in public school, and one of the older ones and the younger two are still being homeschooled.  I have done pre-k through graduated, and it's still a huge part of my life.  Currently, we are doing 1st, 2nd, and 11th.  I'll be sharing on homeschooling quite a bit.

Cooking....I LOVE to cook.  I think that mostly comes from having a huge family that loves to eat!  Since changing to a whole food/paleo-ish/gluten free type lifestyle, I'm always looking for ways to be even more creative in the kitchen.  I'll share a lot on that.

Natural healing.....I used to be on several prescriptions and OTC medications.  I've had chronic illnesses and health issues for years.  I got tired of it, so I did something about it!  Part of this is using essential oils.  LOVE THEM!!!  That subject will also be fully expressed here.  If you would like more information about how to implement essential oils into your life, email me at

North Dakota.....That's where we just made our home.  It's beautiful!  There are actual seasons here.  Right now, it's white season.  I say that because it's fall, but there's snow everywhere!  The photo below is what the Badlands look like right now, courtesy of someone with a great camera at this site here...

But, I'm a Texas girl at heart, born and raised.  I'll talk a lot about that, too.

Yahusha HaMashiach....I'm a sold out, give it all to Him, love Him with all my self, born again believer.  With this, you've probably already made a few guesses about how you think I am.  The more you get to know me, you'll probably be surprised!  My family are Torah Observant Followers of "The Way" (Acts 24:14).  I'll talk about that in more posts to come.

Well, that's a little about me!  I hope you enjoy our time together here.  And I hope you can find a little oasis in your day to be inspired......

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