Monday, November 24, 2014

Why I Love MY Essential Oils

I had first started using essential oils when I discovered the miracle of Melaleuca.  In this oil journey, I've learned many essential oils are not created equal, and am currently with a company I have come to know and trust with my family wellness needs.

 I’ve been using this brand I feel to be the best producer of essential oils since August 2014!  I had been using other brands that I would get from my local health food store...I tried just about all they had to offer. Then, when I started using the brand I am with now, I started seeing results.  Not only for me, but on my husband and kids as well!  What finally got me to jump into the company after spending about a year of research on them, was the testimonies I had heard of people using the blends for sleep and snoring.  I was on that like white on rice!!

Since the first time I opened a bottle of these amazing oils, and saw that they actually did what the company claims they do, I had to share.  I have been sharing and, although not meaning to, building a team of others who know why this company is the best!  This company has become my passion and my full-time “job”.

Before I go into why I love this particular company of essential oils, let me address some of the common misconceptions about essential oils and natural wellness.  I wanted to say one thing: I think it’s amazing that so many families are using herbs and essential oils. I love seeing testimonials from people who have used an oil and seen a drastic improvement. Regardless of the brand, I think it’s so great that people are turning to essential oils and natural healing!  I was in a horrible cycle of health issues, and although I do believe in modern medicine and think that there is a need for that, I also know from experience that most of modern medicine is treating symptoms with things that further harm the body.  I am no longer in that cycle....

Why I Love My Company

1. I Like the Purity

My company wanted to create a purity level that goes above and beyond organic. My company is certified pure and therapeutic grade that is verified by 3rd party testing laboratories. They test their oils 7 different ways to make sure that they are pure and safe for therapeutic use. Even though this company's essential oils are not“certified organic“(read why in next paragraph), you can be assured that they are a step above organic.
Organic certification varies from country to country and state to state. My company's essential oils are sourced all over the world, so that is why organic certification is not possible. One of the ways they ensure their oils are free of pesticide, herbicide, extenders and solvents is through the GC/MS analysis process, which is one of the 7 ways they test the purity of their oils.

2. I Like that they Do Third-Party Testing

Many people come to me with the concern that my company uses third-party testing facilities. My first question is, “Why the heck is this a concern?” A company that uses an IN-HOUSE lab would be something that would concern me. I would be concerned about them being biased. So, I love that they use third-party testing of their essential oils!  To me, it's comparable to going to a Dr who orders a lab that is not in their office.  That's not a crazy thought, so why would hiring a 3rd party tester be?

3. I Like that they Source their Oils All Over the World

This was really important to me. I don’t buy my wine from Idaho when I can get it from France. Some things are MUCH BETTER to get outside of the United States. This is when you want to forget your “American-made” pride and realize that some herbs do not grow good in the United States…some do..but not all. So, this company carefully selects and sources their essential oils from where it grows at it’s prime!

4. I like that they are Driven by Charity

My company has it's own registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving lives through partnering with organizations that offer hope to millions around the world. This organization seeks to bring healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and to ultimately empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant. This company provides for all overhead and administrative costs of their foundation, ensuring that 100 percent of all donations go directly to those receiving aid.  This company trains people in the country where they source each oil, gives them a sustainable income so they can provide for themselves, and when these people incur things like natural disasters....this company contributes in raising funds for that specific issue.  And, they allow everyone involved in the company to contribute!

You have the option of donating to the foundation every time you order! I love that they work so much in communities of need. This is important to me in a business, and especially a business that I represent. 

5. I like that they Educate

The education and ongoing support that you get with my company is incredible. I have learned so much about essential oils, the safety of them, and the proper way to use them. My team and upline have educational team calls that you can join in and participate in. There are so many online tools that you can use if you would like to make a business out of natural wellness. I’m in several Facebook groups that share and educate on using essential oils, including my own! There is so much support and that is what I love about the company.

When I was using store-bought essential oils, I had ZERO support. I had no one to go to and talk to about how to use the oils.

6. I like How Clean they Smell

The smell test is a good indicator of purity. I read one blog article on how our particular essential oils smell good because they are not “first distillation“. This prompted me to research more into this and what I found out was GREAT! Essential oils SHOULD smell good. This quote from the chemist, Dr. Pappas, speaks volumes on how Peppermint essential oil is distilled and how the information you read on the Internet is not always accurate:
"The plant is distilled for basically 2 hours and its done, no more oil is coming out so they shut the still down. Its absolutely ridiculous to think that the distiller, after watching his oil come over, seeing that his oil level is not growing, shuts the still down and then later thinks to himself “gee, I bet if I fire this still back up (wasting thousands in feul and labor) we can get some more oil out of that spent mint leaf we distilled yesterday.” Where do people come up with this stuff!!?? Now the MINT OIL can, and often is (thank God), taken for some further redistilling and/or fractional vacuum redistilling that can take place to further improve the quality of the oil by removing nauseating components of the whole oil (just tiny amounts of very bad smelling components get removed in this process). But NOBODY distills the mint biomass a second or third time. This is generally true, not just for mint, but for essential oil distillations in general.  When I tried to explain it to the person posting this rubbish she basically did not believe me because her “research” of talking to retailers of essential oils apparently was of higher credibility. If people would just use some common sense they could look at this kind of misinformation and come to the conclusion that none of it makes sense. From an energy standpoint, why would anyone plan to shut down their distilling process just to start it up again later? The amount of energy required to get massive amounts of water boiling and enough steam generating to liberate the oil from large vats of biomass is quite astonishing and costly. Why not just keep distilling and just start collecting the oil produced at the tail end of the distillation in a separate container, if you want to collect what you think might be a different quality at the end of the run than at the beginning (by the way this is done with Ylang Ylang oil which is why there are the different grades of extra, I, II, III and complete). But aside from ylang ylang most all essential oil distillations are collected in one combined lot. And the only time I have ever seen a distiller shut down his process and restart it later was because of mechanical problems, running out of fuel, or just getting too physically tired to continue (in the case of sandalwood for example the distillation can go on for more than 24 hours and oil is still in the wood). I hope that this post will finally do some damage to this myth that has been circulated for decades now and we can finally put it to bed". -source
So, there ya have it. There is not 1st, 2nd, or 3rd distillations. The only one that does undergo more than one distillation is Ylang Ylang, like Dr. Pappas describes above in the quote.

7. I Like that they Shoot for Quality, Not Quantity 

I hear so many people talk about how ______ company has more variety of oils. I know this can be disappointing when your company that you love does not have a specific essential oil that you may be looking for. The reason for this is because my company will not compromise their quality for their quantity. This is why many oils have come and gone and why my company is always looking for a more sustainable and reliable source that is high in quality. I love that. I would rather have a limited quantity of AMAZING oils than a large quantity of low-quality oils.

8. I LOVE the Business Model

Let me get this out there....I DID NOT get into the products I use to make it a business.  I have attempted to make a business out of...I'm going to say similar companies for lack of a better word but there really is no comparison...with much frustration and disappointment, and the products of the other company didn't even compare either.  I wanted to use the products of my current company, but was not about to go into that again!  But, you can't help but share with others how wonderful they are!  And then, when the people you tell find out for themselves, they can't help it either!  So, if that is what you call working the business end...then I work the business end!
The compensation plan of my company is incredible! It’s extremely generous and I am so happy to say that it is very doable to see it becoming our top income source in the future. In less than 4 months I achieved the rank of Executive in this company. I did NOT expect to excel in ranks that quickly, nor did I set out to do that. But once I started sharing how essential oils were changing my life, people started jumping on board and my team grew enormously!  And, I am making enough commission back each month that I can cover at least 1 Loyalty Rewards order a month of at least 200 points.  Between that, the monthly free products, and the product points, I have surpassed getting back anything I have put in financially.
If you are interested in joining my company for growing a business, please read my blog post on how you can start working with this company!  

Essential Oils are for EVERYONE!

Regardless of what company you love or choose, I am just so overjoyed to see you reaching for oils instead of over-the-counter medication that is filled with side-effects and God knows what else.
However, if you would like to start your journey into using my company's essential oils, I want you to know that I would love to help you! My team is so supportive and you will be able to join our exclusive team groups and learn so much about essential oils. CLICK HERE to take a look at my current monthly specials and to get started using essential oils!  You can also find them on my Facebook page and on Pinterest!  You can always email me at

Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical, psychological, or psychiatric problem, or a disability that requires medical attention, then you should consult your licensed medical doctor or appropriate health care provider. Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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